【FSL】マーケティング チームと一緒に、Web3 マーケティングの戦略とトレンドを解き明かしましょう。

今回のFSL X Spaceは、FSLマーケティングチームのLucusとEmmanuelの二人を迎えて開催されまた。

▫️ Web2 マーケティングと Web3 マーケティングの主な違い
▫️最も成功した FSL マーケティング キャンペーン
▫️ Web3マーケティングの最新動向


講演者たちは、Find Satoshi Lab(FSL)での経験からさまざまなマーケティング戦略と洞察について議論しました。以下は主要なトピックです:

  • 講演者のバックグラウンド:
  • STEPNキャンペーンとイベントのアイデア選定:
  • パートナーシップのKPI評価:
    メトリクスはパートナーシップの種類とアクティベーションに依存します。最近の成功したパートナーシップとして、DRIP HouseとOn The Trailが言及されました。
  • ソーシャルプラットフォームを中心としたマーケティング焦点:
  • 対面イベントのヒント:
  • 新規プロジェクト向けのマーケティングと成長のヒント:
  • Web3のマーケティングトレンド:


So guys, thanks so much for joining us today. We have like unusual space and I’m really thrilled to have a FSL marketing team on board with us. So look at Emmanuel, really very welcome. Armandi, thanks so much for hosting the space with me.

And I’m really super, super excited to discuss today, like the backstage. I know like you guys are behind so many things that are happening in EFASEL, like including different partnerships, social media campaigns, in app integrations, in app marketing campaigns, branding, growth of the company.

So so so many things you’re engaged in. And yeah, so welcome. And we do hope to make this discussion really productive and really beneficial to all of the guests. And but before we dive into the world, let’s say of web three marketing, could you just share a little bit about your journey, about your way, how you get started as I know that you both studied as ambassadors.

And now you’re like the marketing team. So what was your journey? How you led to web three and how did you find yourself like in the team of FSL? Yes, guys. Have you guys discovered Stepen? Yeah, totally.

Yeah, thank you so much Anastasia and Armandie for inviting us. I apologize in advance for my bad French accent. I hope I will still be understood able for all of you guys. But yes, as you said, I was previously an ambassador.

Like Lucas, he was also an ambassador as well. I don’t have any like previous background in marketing or even in web three. In fact, I, you know, I just finished my. My studies, I was studying real estate.

I did a master’s degree in the law about real estate. And right after that, I became an ambassador for Steppen. I spent, I think, almost one year as an ambassador. And it was during my gap year. I was doing a gap year just after my studies.

And before, you know, like entering in the professional world. And I was very lucky because just before coming back to France, Lucas told me that Steppen was, was hiring someone in marketing. So I just, you know, tried my luck.

I applied and I got hired this way. And I was really key because it was like a perfect timing, you know, like, I was just starting to. to charge a job in France. And at this time, you know, I, I did not know I could have a chance to join the team.

I was an ambassador and you know, it was like my dream job, my dream job if you want. So I was like so happy when Lucas told me that they were hiring. Wow, that’s really great. And you know, like it’s so amazing to see how like our team is growing from ambassador to the team.

And that’s the most exciting part, I think. But I remember kind of that you were creating videos for YouTube, my sneaker, right? Even me, yeah, yeah, yeah, it took part. And you did a lot of stuff like of different creative content before you were able to proceed to the team.

Right? So how do you feel now? Like as you are on board, let’s say like this. So how do you feel now? Like what are your aims so far? And what like, what career development you see for you for the nearest future?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. As you said, I was creating content and it’s so fun because when I was a player, I used to know to try to understand the event. When I was an ambassador, I used to make videos about understanding this event.

And now with Lucas, we are like creating this event. So it’s like an evolution. And yeah, I’m so happy. And for the future, I know we have a lot of plans with FSL. We have a gas hero coming out in December.

We have a lot of plans. So I just hope, you know, I would stay here for the, like the most possible time. And, you know, I’m just very comfortable because it’s by far the best. the best job I ever had.

It’s so weird to just have fun on your daily work and get paid for something you very enjoy and you very like. So I’m so grateful about that and I’m pretty sure it’s about the same for Lucas as well.

Thank you, yeah, I’m pretty sure, yeah. And Lucas, just give us any sign when you’re ready to share with us as well. Hello, can you hear me correct? Yeah, hello, thank you. Yeah, finally. I’m so excited to have you here.

Thank you. Thanks for the invite. So can we share with us, yeah, as your career with AFASile was so like, you know, like a rocket. As you started as far as I remember, in January, right from the position like from the marketing operation executive, right?

And now you’re the senior marketing manager. So you’re changed several positions during just less than a year? Yeah, yeah. That’s, I started way before that because as an ambassador, I was integrated to the team back in early March last year.

So it’s been a while now. Back when there was only a few ambassadors and it was only a Discord title, more than anything else. So lots of memories coming back to this period and obviously I see some people in the space listening in that know what I’m talking about.

So like crazy period and a lot of community activation and well, the ambassador program they evolved during this year and very similarly to what Emmanuel lived I was also a student when I started Steppen as an ambassador and I happened to drop out of my studies for some personal reasons.

And a few weeks afterwards, I had this offer to become the marketing executive. So Emmanuel is currently at Steppen, working with Martina mainly for those who know her. And then I think Martina moved to focusing more on the gas hero and more.

So at this moment, I was more focusing on Steppen. So I happened to take the lead on the marketing for Steppen. And like Emmanuel said, it’s a pleasure to work for a company that you started as an investor that you’re passionate about.

I mean, I’m even doing my Steppen now. So it’s really like a passion to be able to inspire people to lose weight, to stay active. That’s the first reason I invested in Steppen at the very beginning. And that’s still the reason why I’m bullish on Steppen.

And also the reason why I enjoy working at marketing and creating all those events for Steppen. Wow, that sounds really interesting. And you know, now I think for most of us, Steppen just a part of our life.

You know, like in the morning today, we had an ambassador meeting and I always also use this time like to to walk. And now you are on your walk and I’m pretty sure some of the guys here. So it’s something incredible that we are all doing in different parts of the world.

And, you know, yeah, thanks so much for sharing like your stories, guys. We really love your job. Like you do so many amazing things. And, you know, I’m really curious. Actually, I have a lot of questions for you, but maybe I will pick up some as I asked some community members to share their thoughts and they have, I guess, around 30, but I will choose like according to our conversation.

So, but you know, like one of the main question that they get is how do you guys choose ideas for their campaigns for the challenges that we have? I think there are so many opportunities and so many things that it’s possible to bring to life.

So what is the criteria for a good idea and how do you choose them for the campaigns that are proven to be launched by FSL? That’s an excellent question. And I think Emmanuel would be even better than I am to answer this question because it’s clear that creativity master is always having tons of ideas.

And I think the first criteria is to understand the limits of what you can or cannot do because obviously if we were able to do everything we want for step -in -events, they’d be different. But we have to take into account the development limits and like basically the to be realistic in our approach.

And yeah, that’s the main constraint for us. And as for a good idea, I think it’s all about the community and being from the ambassador from the community, both Emmanuel and I, I think we know what the community would like.

And that’s also helps to create those events. But I’ll let Emmanuel speak from there because it’s clearly the creativity master. Thank you Lucas. Yeah, as you said, the first step is to see what it’s possible and what it’s not possible from like a dev point of view.

And step two, the first question is, I ask myself is like if I was a player, would I love the event I am creating right now? This is like essential because as Luca said, we are players before all. So if the events we are creating is not like cool for us, we won’t let him like being developed.

And we also have to take into account the market situation. Like for example, we can do a Mint event if we have a ton of sneakers on the supply. This is also a factor. And then I have mainly my ideas when I go for a walk or run.

I just think and sometimes you know for step number two, we have this idea about making something related to gifts. That’s. where the gift skin idea came from. I won’t spoil the event for Halloween, but basically it’s the same.

Like it just and also yeah, what I want to say like for one event. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah, do you mean there’s going to be an event for Halloween? No, I just I said I won’t spoil the event for Halloween.

I didn’t say that there will be one. Okay, okay, okay. Because yeah, I’m just joking. Yeah, so that’s it. And also for maybe one event you guys see, maybe we had three or four different idea. Then we have some brainstorming session with all the team members.

Then we also need the approval for the team from Jerry, from Yon, from Shitty. We have to need the budget approval also. So there is a ton of steps when designing the events and you cannot do like anything you want.

I would love to make like a ton of events, ton of rewards, but you have to stay like coherent if I can say it and you know, just rotate on the event mechanism not to have always the same event. You can do like a gem burning event every month.

You have to change to rotate. And this is also a difficulty because we have not like 100 mechanisms in step. So this is not so easy, but I mean, we spend a lot of time brainstorming and creating the seven.

So I don’t have a wonderful team as well to help us. I think it’s like a dream team, you know, the aspects of our first sharing is so inspirational. And by the way, how big is the marketing team so far?

It’s not a secret. No, it’s not a secret at all. So we have different marketing teams for every product. We have one marketing team for more, one marketing team for gas hero. But we kind of work together.

But we have all our specific like mission and project for the step -and -side. Basically, it’s Lucas and me creating the event. And then we have to refer to John, to Jerry, to Shiti, to James as well.

You know him very well. He’s in all our brainstorming session. He helps us creating the event. He gives us his vision of those events. And yeah, so for the step -and -side, it’s Lucas and me. And then we have to refer for all the big boss you already know.

Yes, thanks so much. Armand, I’ll see you. I have to go ahead. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Nasta. So guys, again, thanks for being here in this space, for sharing your experiences. Being in this step and verse that we’re going to call it.

First, I just want to point out that for the people listening to this, it’s very important to understand that working in something that you love is way different than working in something that you don’t write.

And that’s what we just hear from Lucas and Manuel. And that’s great. And my question for you guys would be how does it look like your day to day for someone working with the step and thing? How would you describe how is your day to day?

Do you want to take this one, Lucas? Yeah, I mean, we can both answer obviously. But for me, I’m not only restricted to the marketing role anymore. So I’m doing the marketing. I’m supervising the marketing with the help of Emmanuel.

But I’m also doing some business development, so reaching out to brands, trying to get more partnerships for Stepan. And I’m also working on the product side of Stepan. So everything related to updates, future game modes or features, everything related to updates.

I’m also working on the ideation process behind that with Emmanuel. So I think those are the main three workflows, at least what I can mention here. So we were really often with Emmanuel on a lot of different projects.

But it’s also some meetings. So we have to report, obviously, on a weekly basis to the management team to let them know what we’re doing. we are working on and keep them updated on our processes. And obviously, we have a lot of brainstorming stations whether on marketing or on products to make sure the ideas are good, to make sure that it’s working.

It’s actually working and exciting for people. A good example of that is our weekly marketing meetings, where we have Gil Gimache that you all know here in those meetings. And she’s really great to point the things that might create FUD or might create trouble.

I think she might have been a bit traumatized by the period where we had a lot of FUD from people. And now she’s always pointing out the small details that might create problems later for the customer support team.

So that’s, for example, one of the meetings we can have on a regular basis. Yeah, basically a lot of meetings and a lot of time spent on Google Docs to create proposals for features for events and for overall ideas.

And I mean, like we said before, creating events is not really easy, but I feel like the overall community feedback is pretty good on those. So it’s always interesting to be able to create those events and to work on those.

I think that would be what a day would look like. Obviously we have different days with different amounts of meetings, etc. But it’s a bit too boring for me to go into details. Lucas, would you say that it’s way, way different than having a 9 to 5 job, regular 9 to 5 job?

I mean, for Contesta I was a student before, so I never really had a 9 to 5 job. I can say that from my previous experiences, so I used to work at the hospital. It’s obviously very different, nothing related to that.

But it’s kind of similar because you have meetings, you have to sit at your desk on your computer to do stuff. Sometimes there’s boring stuff, sometimes there’s more interesting stuff. So overall I think very similar.

The difference might be that all our meetings are on Zoom or Google Meet, so obviously that’s nothing in physical, nothing in presentation, so we don’t really see each other. And the other one is that we have to take into account the time zones, which might not be the case for a regular 9 to 5 job, but otherwise, yeah, kind of similar.

But way more exciting though. Totally, should be. And for you, my friend, Emmanuel, how is it? Yeah, quite the same than Lucas. What I love in that is also the flexibility. you have in the job. I mean you have to work all day obviously but you know you can choose your location, you can choose you know the way you work like I am more a morning person.

I like you know to get up like very early on the morning you know like do my gym start working like very early and have my evening more free but you can also like I know I think James he he woke up like at three or four a .m.

every morning and some other people they work on the evening so what I love in the flexibility I used to love in the construction you know when I was in apprenticeship and you have like very strict hours you cannot start when you want you cannot leave when you want so this is one of the things I really enjoy in this job.

Actually guys, thanks for sharing and I have just a question in my mind. It’s FSLT we spread all over the world from Australia to the United States. You already mentioned that some team members, they have to, I don’t know, have to or they love to get up really early, just 3am, 4am.

So how does it work for you? Do you have regular Zoom meetings, like let’s say every day? Is it compliant with any time zones or just how it is that every member should adjust to the time that they set?

Yes, we are very lucky with Lucas because we are in the middle. The American Zoom meeting is before us, the Australian meeting is after. So when we have to have some meetings with the American and the Australian at the same time, for Lucas and me it will be at 12, you know, like on the middle of the day.

So we are very lucky about that. So we never have some meetings like after 6 or 7pm or before 8am. So for us this is like perfect. But I think the more difficult is for James because I think he’s the only one in the United States.

So he has to adapt. But I know he’s also a morning person. So I don’t think it’s really a problem for him. Yeah, now you have also got Misha. He’s also from LA. So I think it’s challenging for him as well.

But I’m pretty sure he used to wake up early like 3am or 4am as well. And yeah, so guys, you are lucky with the location. You are the perfect one for you. So congratulations with that. And you know, Me and Naive, we were in Japan in July for Webex and Japan Meetup.

And we were helping Japanese ambassadors to represent Stepan on Webex. And I personally saw how many people reach us out with some requests about partnerships, about some collaborations. Even like on Webex, you know, it was, I don’t know, dozens of people with different projects.

So I just wanted to talk a little bit about this part as far as I know, look at this. It’s your part, like partnerships. And what kind of project it should be to be attractive to FSL to become a partner?

Or what partners FSL is looking for? So what is the criteria to make some collaborations with FSL? That’s a very good question. To be honest, conferences can be very overwhelming with propositions. I did quite a few intros as well.

And there’s always tons of people trying to have some time with you and to pitch you their projects. For FSL, I mean, for Steppen, we are focusing on Webtoon projects. So like Big Brands and like overall famous Webtoon brands, that’s the main focus for Steppen.

But obviously, when we take VG meetings, we are always thinking about the other projects and trying to fit in all the brands under the FSL umbrella. So any project is interesting as long as they are credible, and that’s a good pool, and that’s a scam.

That’s already a good start. And then if they have a great community, that’s always a plus. If they have a good size or a good trading volume, that’s always good. And overall, if they are interesting, right, because we can partner with smaller projects, if they have a good pH and they are interesting for us, or have good hearts, for example.

So some projects may not be that big, but if they have a nice design overall, it might be more interesting if we want to do co -branded sneakers, for example. But often the person that comes to talk to you during those conferences or from smaller projects might not be interesting.

But overall, I think any projects we look into, and if we have said that they are interesting for us, we accept their request to chat to our meeting. And then we see from there if they are creative enough to come up with different innovative ideas.

And that’s our surplus. Yes, thanks so much. Armand, did you go ahead? Lucas, is there a question? Is there any points that you guys check to see if the projects are not like a scam? Any checklist or something or some views that you guys can see and understand that it is or it is not a scam?

I mean, it’s never black or white, right? So we have to do our research like everyone should do before investing into a project. So it’s very similar to that. And I mean, there are some clues. People are claiming to have huge daily activities, a number during a bear market.

That’s a red flag. If people are voting their Twitter profile, it’s a red flag as well. Like I’ve seen some projects reaching out with more than 100K followers on Twitter, but very, very, very small amounts of engagement and impression.

That’s a red flag for me. And then overall the reputation of the founders. I mean, like, like. It’s very similar to when you do your own research on investments. And who does all that work? Like all of you in the team or they’re just a specific team that does it or who does it?

Depends. It’s usually the person that’s receiving the lead that’s taking care of it. So if I resave a DM from some projects, I’ll do my research before sharing it with the team not lose their time. But if there’s some doubts, we can ask Connections.

Mabel is very well connected in the way through words. James as well. So it’s also a good way to check if some projects are legit. If you know some connections that already worked with them and say they work well or to the opposite, say they are taking ages to reply and not very diligent in their work, that’s also a good way to check.

But it’s often to the person that’s bringing the leads to check that. Check to them. Thank you, Lukas. And yeah, thank you so much, Lukas. And I have a question also, you know, maybe you could share with us up to you from your point of view.

What was the most successful partnership so far? And if it’s possible to ask what was not like a good experience and not a good experience and the worst, maybe? Yeah, so I think overall, the most recent and better partnership we had was with Drip House.

It was very successful. It was more focused on more, actually. But on the most recent ones, it’s probably the best one. Obviously, the A6 partnership were awesome, to be honest. So yeah, but the Drip one brought a lot of users to more.

and to step in. So that was probably one of the greatest one we did recently. As for the worst one to be honest, it wasn’t, okay, I wasn’t expecting the raffle with OTT to do that well due to the out of the sneakers, but it’s actually autopsied raffle all the time on mark.

So that was a good one. I don’t really have an example of a bad partnership we have because we usually stop the partnership if we notice that they are not that good. We tend to prioritize quality of our quantity.

So I don’t really have an example to give here. Yeah, thank you. Emmanuel, do you have anything to add that’s just curious about your insights? For me, I think the sneakers with OTT was like awesome.

I don’t know why Luca said that, but I just love it. You can look at the idea at 6am on your way to the gym. Just maybe. Yeah, but I’ll say that. So I have a question for you guys because this is a Web3 marketing strategy and trend with you guys.

What can you tell to people who wants to start their projects and you know they want to grow and maybe in the future get a partnership with FSL. What should it be the starting point for these people that you guys can recommend?

I think one of, yeah. I just wanted to say that for me, one of the main points, you can’t ask a partnership and it’s the same when you apply to be an ambassador. You cannot say if we do a partnership, we will grow and bring you more users.

You have to be strong before asking for the partnership, have a very solid IP, a very strong community. And because we won’t accept the partnership if it’s not like a mutual benefit. We love to help other projects, but we cannot have a partnership.

I mean, first step, if the project is very small, if it’s very new, if it doesn’t have a lot of, you know, active members on the community. So I think the first step for you would be to have a very strong community, a lot of followers, a lot of daily active users if you’re a game, a strong IP.

And then I think you should ask for a partnership and also, you know, come with a very original and well, idea and not just a partnership. just ask for a partnership without sending any original proposal before for me.

But maybe Lucas will have other advice. Yeah, I mean, I agree. It’s all comes down to the originality of the idea and how involved you are in the ecosystem and what your project is doing, which is very hard to be honest during their markets.

I mean, like, it’s tough to strive during the markets. Even even stepping as difficulties growing, it’s still the case, but it’s less than before, obviously. So even if we have problems ourselves to grow, it’s hard for us to ask for other projects to grow and to be huge, but it’s still one of the requirements we ask because we can’t partner with someone who has like 10, 15 daily active users, it would be a bit I don’t know, I’m really close to that but email is also what’s great.

Lucas, this is just an idea. What if these people are interesting in getting a project to FSL? What if they send you a big basket of baguettes? I have decent baguettes. I’ll be more nice, that’s for sure.

I’ll do it all for baguettes. How did you like the baguettes, my friend? Well cooked, like crusty. What kind of cheese and what kind of meat did you like in them? Oh no, nothing in them. Only baguettes.

Just the bread. Okay, there you go guys. So if you guys are listening to this, there you go. That’s the real tip. But it’s really good tips guys. Thank you so much for making ideas for the artists, like how to develop and what should they do to become an interesting project for FSL, like for the partnerships.

In general, I believe that partnerships and collaborations are an essential part of any web -3 marketing strategies. I’m just curious, how do you evaluate the KPIs? For example, when you find a project, do you create some KPIs of this partnership with them and how do you evaluate these KPIs after the campaign has been finished?

I think that’s a good question, but it’s a bit broad. It depends a lot on the type of partnership. If it’s a simple raffle, obviously we can compare that. the data to the previous raffle we did, compared those to the most successful ones, the least popular ones.

It depends a lot on the activation and on the partner. For example, for DRIP, it was a one -office kind partnership for which we distributed over almost 500 ,000 NFTs, the more mascots. So there’s nothing to compare it to compared to that, but it was obviously a good one.

So I mean, we didn’t have even a slight worry for the DRIP partnership, but that goes to show that every partner’s difference. So there’s no free -made answer I can give here. Sorry. Okay, no problem.

Thanks for sharing. And you know, I have also a question. Like, as one of us has a partnership, like collaboration, we usually have new people coming to ecosystem, downloading the app. trying out some new stuff for them and do it track in somehow how they develop in the future.

So do mainly new people, they just come for the event and they just go out or they continue to stay in the ecosystem to do some step -on stuff or more like hopefully we’ll do some things here in the future.

So do track it in any way or just some numbers that are done for the specific collaboration or the event? I’m sorry my connection cuts a little bit so even if you want to take this one I’ll let you answer.

That’s a tough one. I think it depends a lot of the events you’re talking about. A lot of our events are also for our own community so there are players which was in the ecosystem before the event and to be very honest for the last events I don’t have the data for that but my guess is that if you enter into step -on just for an event I’m not sure you will stay in the ecosystem but if you were already interested by the project and you were already tracking the I don’t know the floor price on the marketplace for example you see a lot of events happening here.

I think it can be like I don’t know how to say like the entry door for you into step -on. If you see a lot of events a lot of partnership maybe I don’t know if there is some very fan of Ghost in the Shell maybe when they see that we have a partnership with them they will be very interested into step -on and they will stay because of that so I think it depends a lot of you and of the events you are talking about.

Yeah, exactly. I go along with you. So, yeah. Okay. And yeah, thanks, Immanuel. I have also a question to Lukas, as I know that you helped to organize different events, like in New York, in Tokyo, in Paris.

And can you share with us what were the most successful techniques or maybe experience that you used to elaborate with existing users and to attract a new audience? As I also went to several events. I was in Moscow, I was in Tokyo, I was in Colombia with Sarmandi.

And it’s amazing to see how every region makes, like what kind of approach, like to talk to the audience. to talk to the new people. And I’m really curious, like, from your experience, like, what is the most successful, like, challenges or something, I don’t know, maybe some ruffles or some specific event that you implemented in those meetings, right?

That you saw, it really worked, they really worked. Well, I have a shocking news. I think to have a successful event, you absolutely need baguettes for first. And then you can think about the rest of the event, but first the baguettes, okay?

That’s the key element. Nice, nice. I love it. Could I add some olive oil and balsamic to the baguette? Or should I not look at it? Would that be sinful or not? Ah, that’s giving Italian vibes. I think I’m fine with that.

So I have some friends, I love it. So I think that’s fine. Olive oil in basilics, sounds good to me. Why, Emmanuel? You don’t like it like that, so… You are a sinner, Armadie. You are a sinner. So I need to take off the market peanut butter.

If I wanna add peanut butter to my baguette. Only cheese with baguettes, nothing more, nothing less. Good cheese. There you go. But guys, it doesn’t get like very super, super dry. I think having olive oil or butter or something would just make it a little bit less dry, but that’s how you guys like it, right?

In France. He said that baguettes were dry, Lucas, right? Yeah, that doesn’t exist. Like good baguettes are dry. I’ll let you get away with that. There you go. Now, but to answer the other question, I think when you asked the question, the first thing that came to my mind was the activation we did with DIGOT, which I mean was very successful for NFT in YC.

It was a good one because people, so there was two elements, right? The first one was the collaboration between two blue chip NFTs, Steppen and DIGOT. And then the IRL aspect was like searching for places to get the Steppen sneaker, which was like very interesting.

In my opinion, that’s probably a good model to reproduce as far as IRL events. I think if you are looking into creating a good one, you can take a look at what Clay Relevance and stuff. I remember being at NFT Paris with the guys and I think it’s shrunken in the chat as well, Will.

So they know what I’m talking about, but we had to find some croissant in NFT Paris. And it was epic. So this kind of activation works well as well. And I think that that’s mostly it. For as far as I’m concerned, the events I helped organize was more on the logistic side, making sure that the ambassadors has everything in needs or she needs.

And everything goes as planned. So I wasn’t present in NFT NYCR, in Webex, in terms of unfortunately. So that’s probably as far as I would go as an answer. Yeah, this is a really great answer in the details.

As you know, I think that now we are hosting, sorry, dogs. So we host so many online events, like spaces, like different challenges or raffles. We have so many stuff that are happening in each of the project.

And we all follow Twitter handles to take part in them. But offline events is also an important part. When you interact with people and when you meet people actually with whom you were contact, contact it like one year, two years, that makes some additional value and connection inside the community.

And it helps community grow. As a person who knew he can bring his friend and the friend can be inspired like how energetic we are or some other things. And that’s how the chain works. So that’s why I was really curious about the events you organize offline and your online experience as well.

Yeah. Armandye, I see you have something to add. Armandye? Yes, it’s not something to add, it’s just a question. So we have, you guys have already talked about partnerships. Like you have great partnerships with other teams.

And beside partnerships in your own experience, in the time that you guys have been stepping in the FSL team, what would you say was the most successful marketing strategy that you guys brought to the team since you started?

I think making in -app events come back is a great one. And because I don’t know if you all remember, but at some time we had some events on Twitter, but not much in -app and people were complaining because I mean, why having a app in -app when you don’t do events in it?

So making bringing back the events is good. I think as far as marketing strategies as a whole, having medium to short duration events with a lot of different stuff on a daily basis works well. A good example is for, let me find the name back.

It was probably the step in history this year where we were having a lot of free stuff in the app. I mean, people always love free stuff. But yeah, it’s a bit complicated that people always love free stuff.

And I think daily contest on Twitter works well as well. And otherwise, having some logic in between the different parts of an event, for example, works well, like you’ve seen for step in number. First week was bringing friends, asking them to come to the app and then introducing them slowly to the step in mechanics.

So requiring them to mince so they can try it and see how it works. Then enhancing, and again, nothing was mandatory. Everything was optional. If you didn’t want to take part in an event, you didn’t have to, but if you wanted to have the special skin, you had to go for it and to try to get it.

And so I think the progression in an event is interesting. And there’s also one thing to take into account is whether you aim for a few very wealthy people kind of whales in Steppen, or are you aiming at the whole community?

So a good example for that is for step in number. For example, the first week and the last week were focused to mostly everyone. I’m considering that most wallets can reach to four energies per day. So then everyone can invite at least one person whether on Discord, whether IRL.

So that’s to take into consideration. And then for the week two and week three, where more energy is needed. aiming towards the bigger wallets who can afford to mint and to enhance some sneaker. So I think there’s a lot of different, I should say different settings to take into account.

But overall, people like freestyle, repetition over shops or medium period of time works really well. Actually, I was wondering why for energy, but now that you say it, it just makes sense. It just makes sense for energy, everyone can do it.

So yeah, that makes sense. Okay, that’s cool. And by the way guys, I have also a question. Like, do you have any plan or balance how to organize all the different events that usually FSL launch? So sometimes we have events in app, sometimes it’s on Twitter, we have Zilli now.

So do you have any percentage or like, proportion of the events happening in the week and what is the average like break that you do between events as now we have a lot of stuff we have a lot of stuff happening in gas hero moir is active we just finished step number so it’s so so many things like happening around so is there any like proportion how to mix all of them i think it will be difficult to to speak for more and gas hero because as we said it’s different marketing team but for stepen we don’t have like predefined number of events per year or per month i think we mostly do by taking into consideration like the big worldwide events like for example christmas for example halloween new year and we take those events because it’s worldwide so it speaks to to everyone and we try to adapt and fit into those worldwide events and try to know that we can do a lot of in -app events we try to do this maybe on a monthly basis or on monthly basis if for example we had step number two happening in september we have halloween happening in october so we are not sure we’re going to have halloween i’m joking you said that it’s your fault so yeah it’s not like defined we don’t have like a number to follow we just do like if we see an opportunity or if we see a big worldwide event we just try to to adapt to that Yeah, sounds good.

Yeah, thanks. Thanks for that. Yeah, and I have also a question. We see a lot of content from FSL in different social media. And as far as I see from my perspective, like the Q1 is Twitter still, but anyway, we see a lot of content on YouTube, like Instagram, other social media.

So what is the focus of the content to which platform is the focus from FSL? And how guys do you see the development of social media marketing, like in terms of the FSL vision, like for a couple of years?

So I think my audio a little bit again, but if I’m correct, you’re asking about the different types of content for each platform, right? Yeah, so is there any platform which is like the main ones? Do you rank them?

For example, the main ones is Twitter, the second is YouTube, TikTok and so on. And how do you divide the content that you upload there? And what is your focus? Where is all the main content going to?

Or you divide it equally? Yeah, I got it. So yeah, obviously the main ones are Twitter and Discord. I think that’s very clear in terms of number of people right there. And then we have Instagram and YouTube and sometimes we have TikTok and stuff, but it’s not the most interesting.

So the way we think about things for that is, first, where is our audience and where is our target audience as well? The new people we want to reach in terms of audience. So obviously Twitter and Discord are still the main platform for us.

That’s why we have regular events on Discord and on Twitter. In terms of content, we had a lot of different strategies and maybe tested a lot. But I think in the end, during a bear market at least, we focus more on the key content rather than trying to fill with engagement, forming and just random stuff.

So for Twitter, for example, we focus more on the announcements and the key contents, the key information, rather than posting memes or posting engagement, forming stuff. We tried it and it’s working, but that’s not good enough for it to be justified.

So that’s what Twitter. And for Instagram and short content platforms, we like to work with ambassadors on that. So what we do is we work in collaboration with them. It’s basically a win -win. because we worked with the ambassadors to create videos that we post as collaborative posts on our socials which means they do the work and they are rewarded for it by having the exposure of the stepper accounts which basically doubles, triples, quadruples, they’re their usual audience.

So in terms of Instagram we post some of the announcements on there. We also post some videos, running tips, motivational videos as well. And I mean for the last part I mentioned YouTube. We recently started doing the turnhole in there.

We’ll probably give you another try this month but people seem to like it a lot. Having the opportunity to comment live, see faces, people really enjoy that. So we’ll Yes, this is such a detailed reply, you know.

Thank you. That’s the way it works. Amazing, amazing approach, Lukas. And you know what, yeah, I saw like a lot of our videos from ambassadors, especially in Instagram, on Twitter sometimes, like, I mean, in official sort of certain handles.

Are there any chance for regular users to appear there? And if yes, what should, what kind of content they need to do? As you just mentioned, it should be sometimes motivational, some like innovation.

But can you share with us about that? Yeah, I think it’s something we want to reserve to our ambassadors. That’s probably one of the benefits of working with us and taking the time to create those videos, because even for 10, 15 second videos, it can take hours of editing to make it perfect.

And we are sometimes a bit picky on the music, the edits, the dynamics of the videos, for example. So that’s, I think, a good reward for them to have access to our audience. For regular community members, that’s a question I never really thought about, but not that you’re saying it.

I think I’d still say that it’s something we’ve reserved to our ambassadors. Probably the most likely opportunity for that would be your GC contest, so you know, generated contents, contests for which we ask people to take a picture of their favorite landmarks when they do that step and walks or stuff like that.

It’s probably the best chance to get reposted by Stepan. Yeah, make sense, make sense here. But now, you know, like, there are so many inspirational videos and photos, and the most exciting part for me is when I see like different different pieces of the world on these videos and pictures.

So it’s also the way to explore the world, you know? So and we have users like all over the globe and a lot of content that are displayed now in different social medias. It’s like a way how we learn also.

It’s not only about fitness, about well -being, it’s much more. And for me, it’s also about connection to people, about new places, you know, about some special spirit of really great life approach. So I would say like this.

Yeah, so thanks so much guys, like for your amazing work. I have like, we have a question from survivor. So if you could just take a… So what criteria do you prioritize when you plan to step in an event, reward a loyal user or encourage new player or any other idea?

So could you share what you think, please? All right, let’s start. Yeah, I think it’s not like a yes or no question. The best plan would be to do both on events. But as we’re in a bear market, it’s so complicated to unbroad new users.

So for example, for step number two, we focused a lot of current users in app with all the challenges we had. But we also did a lot of giveaways on Twitter. And this is a way we can like attract new players because they would see that we gave away, I think, almost 20.

Level four comfort gem, we gave away like three uncommon shoebox, three hard shoebox, one epic shoebox. And this is how we can be like very visible for all the Twitter and with free community. And we have this event in app.

And this is more for our like current and active players. Good point. Good point here. Thanks. And you know, I have like a couple of questions from myself that if you have any questions, we have like five, 10 minutes left so you can drop on there.

Oh, yeah. I’m gonna go ahead. So actually, so Eddie, he’s asking me for you guys if you’re planning to do something for answered and break point. Yep. Yes. You know, I would say that a few of the team members will be here, including myself and Emmanuel.

It’s more on the investors to do an event there. So I’m not sure if some of the investors that are here. John will do something that we’ll probably try to have a step and meet up for breakpoints for sure and if you see us at IRL and know our faces obviously, don’t hesitate to come say hi obviously.

Thank you. when is no one talking? What? What up? What up? We were just shocked. We were just shocked. Exactly. I thought you decided to take a nap like that. I don’t know. I don’t know what happened.

Did I just hear that all ambassadors are going to answer a break point? Sponsorship by Lucas? Did I just hear that? I don’t have that kind of money unfortunately. We have several ambassadors who joined us as speakers.

Depp and Grypte and Chanki, hi guys, thanks for that. Yes, Depp and Grypte. Yo, hello. Hi, hello. Thank you so much for joining us. Nice to see you here. Hi, everyone. I just wanted to join quickly, firstly, to say hi to everyone.

And yeah, I wanted to mention about the Solana breakpoint. So I will be organizing a running event, maybe. I’m working on it at the moment. So I’ll be organizing a running event. Should be every morning before the Solana breakpoint, like a 20 minutes run.

And then maybe a coffee. So yeah, I’m working on something like that. And yeah, thanks for the invitation. And see you around next time. I’m Baguette, another Baguette. You’re not playing at home, right?

It’s not in France at all. So I don’t know if you’ll be able to have Baguette. I hope so. Come on, guys. We have three French here. You need to bring them to breakpoint. Exactly. Well, come tell me to bring my Baguette.

Yeah, Chanki, hello. Yeah, go ahead. Hey, how’s it going? Hey, hello. Thanks so much for joining us. Great to see you. It’s been a really fun space. It’s been a really fun space. Thanks for putting it on.

I just wanted to hop up and say that Lucas and Emmanuel, for those people that haven’t interacted with them or haven’t had the pleasure to meet them, they are truly top -notch guys, great attitudes, smart, ambitious, and I’m so happy that these guys are representing Steppen in official capacity and working on these partnerships and putting together these events.

It was really telling in person when I was able to spend time with these guys and anybody that spent time with them will know. They’re doing really wonderful things for the space and for the community and for Steppen as a whole.

And so, yeah, looking forward to everything you guys are gonna do for the future. And I absolutely love Steppen number two. participated in all the events and got the badges and all that fun stuff so yeah just massive kudos to you guys you’re making me blush chunky yeah I’m saying I’m hot right now everyone’s looking at me wondering what I’m doing thank you so much chunky they’re french accent just you know make chunky in love I’m honestly the color of a tomato right now you have no idea just like being in the same space and hearing these voices like my palms are sweaty like I’ve got sweat feet down my forehead like I’m trying to rush around and make sure I have baguettes in the kitchen so that like I I can feel closer to these guys oh that’s brutal yeah chunky thanks so much like for your uh for joining us and your feedback Yeah.

Emotionals feel like very emotional. Yeah, your energy is so cool. Yeah. I mean, really, and I hate to be like, I’m not going to be like all lovey -dovey and everything, but really and truly, the markets have been pretty tough for a few months.

The broader markets have been pretty tough for a few months. And it’s really cool to see the good guys and the good gals that are left in the space and the good faces that are representing the companies that we care about and we support.

And it’s really, really important right now. That’s just my two cents. Sure. Thanks for that. Yeah, sure. Guys, I have just like two couple of questions. And I really want to ask you to share your vision on trends.

What is happening now in the web -stream marketing strategies? Like maybe you can share the resources that you use, like where you’re getting known and use, or like what companies you are looking at.

So could you just share, I know I’m one of the right a lot of entrepreneurs and we all do like marketing sometimes for web two, sometimes for web three, sometimes it’s both. So yes, could you share your vision?

What trends do you see? Maybe what is in your mind the most like perspective for the future and what maybe you will implement for FSL and what resources you use to be up to date with all the news and happening like around marketing.

Thank you. That’s a very good question. And I think there’s no universal answer for me. What works best is a mix of Twitter and just being aware of what’s happening in space. So overall, maybe mainly Twitter and then a few medium articles when I want to dig deeper in the subject, some podcasts as well.

But yeah, mainly Twitter as a source of information. And as for trends, I tend to see more and more with regaming projects. I don’t know if it’s a personal bias or not. us. But I don’t know, I feel like there’s way more gaming projects now than there was a few months ago, a few years ago even.

So that would probably be my pitch, way through gaming. And I’m not biased at all. I’m just stepping on, guess you are. I don’t know what those are. Lukas, do you say in that, like, for example, if we are talking about entrepreneurial, so people living projects, that it’s a good time to think about some game -fight elements to their project?

I mean, at least one thing is that I tend to see more and more in terms of, like, new Twitter accounts or just people are reaching to us. So I feel like probably, yeah, don’t take my word on that though, so I’m not an expert.

But on what I noticed, yeah, probably. Yeah, thank you. And by the way, guys, I have also, sorry, like, it’s just one question that is really important to me personally, like, as I’m just starting learning the I, the IA, right, with Armand, by the way, he helps me a lot.

And do you use AI, sorry, AI in like, preparation, the content for myself? Yeah, definitely. I mean, it’s, we can earn so, so much time with that. I think I chat more with Chargipiti on a daily basis, that with my girlfriend, actually.

And I live with her. So that’s, that’s a thing. Me too, me too. That’s scary, guys. That’s scary for me. It is, it is, it is your girlfriend, best friend and co -worker and assistant. Yeah, yeah, exactly.

I mean, it’s very useful and handy, you know, and, especially when you’re not native English speaker, when you want, you know, to, to write something, when you want a piece of advice of something you wrote or something you designed, you just have, you know, to chat, use the, the appropriate prompt, and you have like a whole feedback and a very like, appropriate feedback, if I can say.

So yeah, that’s very, very useful and very handy. As long as you don’t ask him to, to unpack itself, that’s fine. Yeah, I had some trouble with my Chargipiti. I have to treat him because he wouldn’t answer my question.

Yeah, it seems Chargipiti is replacing even our family members for us. So it’s a little bit scary for me, I would be honest. But on the other hand, it’s a great tool, exactly. It’s a great tool to save our time and energy, you know, and it’s something amazing.

It’s a revolution, really. you Yeah, okay guys, like thank you so so much for being here. Like I really love our space and like your approach. So it’s like sharing some feedback and some, like behind of the scenes experience.

Any closing words you really want to share with our community. It’s like we talked today about marketing. So and marketing, it’s never the less on web two or web three. It’s like an essential tool of developing any business, any project.

It’s like, you can’t do business really well without this part. So any tips or advice from you guys for people who just think about their strategies, what can they do or maybe how to develop, how to stand out or any closing words.

Thank you. I think you have to trust in your project before all. Like if you’re not passionate and if you’re not very like a fund of your project, if you don’t really like it, I think the community will just feel it, you know, like with Lucas, we were players, we were ambassadors, like we used to play in Toast Eppen, we used to invest in Toast Eppen.

So this is very something we love. So I think you can feel it when you see our work, that it’s more than just the company we work for, you know, it’s like really the projects we are in To and the project we love.

So I think you have just to trust in your project and love your project and it will work like fine, I think. Yeah, not to sound cheeky or anything, it’s definitely such a crazy opportunity for me and I think for Emmanuel as well to be able to work at Steppen and I mean, just as far as marketing tips or anything else, just depends a lot on the project, but some projects might look more into viral content, other might look more into more serious content, depends a lot on your strategy on the type of projects you have.

But overall, I think listening to the community is definitely on the top things to do to adjust your marketing strategy and then doing fun, engaging and sustainable events are key as well. And yeah. I love that.

Yeah, amazing. Thank you. Armani, yeah, what do you think? Yeah, I just want to add something that you guys maybe don’t hear in the meetings that we have as ambassadors, people listening to us, but for example, James is always telling ambassadors like you could be right now at Steppen and more or I guess your ambassador, right?

But James is always telling us do the one thing that you like the most. If you only want to do a step and do it, if you like it, right? So I think that is very important. Just be fine. The right symbol that speaks to you, and ones that you find that you just do your best, right?

Either it’s the whole company or just one of those projects. And I think FSA is managing that excellent. And we can just hear it with where two speakers who were ambassadors, right? But now they work for FSA and they know what they’re doing.

So I think that’s a great message. Find what you like. And especially in this moment, with technology, you can do it everywhere around the world. Yeah, great message. And I will go as far as even saying that it’s the case, not only for ambassadors, but also for team members.

And as an example, I was supposed to be hired for more. And at the last minutes after chatting during my interview, they decided to put me on step, which is definitely something I enjoy more than working on more.

So overall, yeah, very good message. And do what you strive for and try to find what makes you feel good and feel happy on a daily basis and try to monetize it. And then you’re all set for life. Yeah, I totally love it.

It’s the same what I usually try to do and what I share with other people and when you really love what you do, what you’re inspired, you can do your best performance. It’s not like a work you have to go, you have to do.

It’s like you really want to do and you generate new ideas. You try different techniques. You are so inspired. Even, you know guys, the life is not like the way when we do everything and get the results we really want.

Sometimes we have different cases, but when you love what you do and when you believe in your project, even when you are not succeeding anything, you keep going. As you know that finally it will be really, really good.

So I just want to outline then that if you are inspired by what you are doing, just keep going and you will get the results that you expect even more. Yeah, and thank you so much, Armand, you look us manually for the space for finding the time.

I know guys, you’re super busy. So we’re busy with all the stuff. We greatly appreciate your work, your engagement and your openness, you know. So when we text you, like you’re always in contact, you always help us like the ambassador team.

And we also feel really great to feel your support. You know, we feel support from everywhere, like for the whole project. And that is like make our project. us also feeling bad and feel that we are doing the right things with the right team.

And this like, this is really amazing. So thanks so much. Maybe we can do such spaces in some time, like one more time before the new year. If you don’t mind, I think it’s a good way like for our community members to maybe even to have some tips for their own companies or projects or like to dive deeper in what you’re doing as you know, we are with most of the people we are like a family now from different parts of the world.

And it’s really what I really love. So thank you so much for being here. Have a great day or evening. Like in Europe, it’s evening already for me and their Monday. It’s still morning. So it’s cool. Yes.

And let’s catch up next next time. Thank you so much. And thank you so much for all the guys for listening to us, like for all the community. We greatly appreciate and love you all. So if not you guys, we will undo the spaces and.

We’re greatly like, love that you come, you listen, you ask questions, that really makes us move forward. Yeah, I’m done. Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you Anastasia and Armandifre invitation. And thanks for all the audience for taking the time to listen to us.

Thanks guys, Bisou. If you like, if you like, if you like. If you like, yes. Okay, bye. Labis Bisou. Ciao. Adios. Ciao.


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