【FSL】Web3コミュニティの創造術:with Gilgamesh & Kleber [Hosts:Anastasia & Neiv]

The art of creating Web3 Communities: with Gilgamesh & Kleber

9月27日の夜、FSLアンバサダーの @neiv888@Atitovva のホストをして

@CM_Gilgamesh – FSL community manager

@KleberSTEPN – FSL community ambassador






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  • コミュニティメンバーの共有された興味と動機を理解することが重要です。Web3コミュニティのメンバーはプロジェクトの成功に投資しています。
  • 複数のプラットフォーム(Discord、Telegram、Twitterなど)に拡大することで、コミュニティを成長させ、エンゲージさせるのに役立ちます。各プラットフォームには、人々をつなげるユニークな機能があります。
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Hey guys, Ola Ola. Nice to see you all here. Thanks so much for joining. Today we have a very special space with Gil and Clever. And Gil, she’s our community manager of FSL who is doing amazing job with the whole people from all over the world. 

And Clever is our community ambassador who is growing his community in Brazil and besides of that making a lot of stuff for FSL worldwide. So guys, welcome on board. How are you today? Hello. Doing great. 

Hey guys, Ola Ola. How are you today? I’m doing good. Can you hear me well? Cool. Cool name. How are you? Yeah, yeah, we have… Ola, Ola, Comestas. Hello everybody. It’s amazing. Nice to see everybody, all team. 

Let’s start. Yeah, nice. I’m happy to hear that everybody is doing great. And I think we all, like four of us today, is like from different parts of the world. I’m in North America, Navy’s in Europe, Clever is in South America, Gil is in Philippines, right? 

So, you know, every time when we make spaces, I feel this global impact and it’s so cool. I don’t know how you guys, but I’m also always inspired after seeing how global we are. Yeah, so to get started, as you know guys, I always love to know a little bit more about you, like what is behind your avatars and your positions. 

So could you share with us your background? So what did you do before joining FSL? What encourages you to join? why, what motivates you to develop yourself in a community managing like area, let’s say like this. 

So ladies first Gil. Okay, thank you. So just to answer the question and hello everyone. So before I begin, so I was actually in customer support before I got into, before I got into initially it was just step in and I will be honest, I didn’t really intend to go into crypto. 

I just had, I was first attracted into playing Axie Infinity but one thing led to another and I was fortunate enough to come across that and there’s a whole. hilarious backstory to that, but that’s for another time. 

So yeah. Okay Gil, thank you so much for sharing that. And could you remind for all of us like how long are you with FSHOW? Yeah, I was actually already in Discord around 2021, before even before the Step -N app ever released. 

So even before beta. So yeah. Okay, so it’s like through yes, right? And Discord is as far as they see, like you really love Discord and even in your in your profile on Twitter, it says like Discord housekeeper is as far as they remember. 

So why Discord? Why especially what like fascinates you in Discord? Okay. So I’ve always used Discord for games. I’ve been a gamer first all my life. And Discord is the natural place to go, or at least when I started gaming. 

That’s where people go if they need, you know, tips and tricks for playing a certain game, or they just want to hang out with other people who play the same game. And so that was the case for me. And so it was natural that when it came to handling a community, I kind of had an idea, being a part of a guild and having had a leadership position in the past as well. 

And so yeah, it just felt comfortable being in Discord since that’s where I started even before the entire crypto thing blew up. So yeah. Okay, awesome. Thank you so much. Thanks for sharing that and Clever, what about you? 

Yeah, so first of all, thank you. for inviting me for this space. So I’m a clever person from Brazil and I see so many friends here, some from Brazil like Clayton, Luis, Beel and a lot of like avatars, friendly avatars. 

So it’s good that I really like to be in the middle of the community to interact with people. It feels so good. So before stepping, mostly of the time I work with sales and like two years ago, I’ve started a small business with my brother. 

It’s a digital marketing agency. So we run some Facebook ads campaigns and a little bit of Google ads, landing pages, websites, this kind of stuff. So I’m lucky to be able to work from home so I can dedicate a good amount of time to step into. 

And it’s, as Gil said, like one thing leads to another. So when I first heard about the trip to 2021, and then I was in this in this Portuguese group called Ganga do Macaco or monkeys game. This was actually February last year. 

So this place is where I heard from stepping for the first time. And I’m still there. They, they, they share some crypto James Alfas analysis and so on. So I was, I was very impressed about the concept of walking on and I started to study and read the white paper more than once actually because that’s the way I do my own research and crypto is very tricky. 

You need to be like sure about the projects you want to promote. So I was just trying to understand everything before diving in. And it was not easy to understand to be honest, because it was really long white paper to read. 

So one thing that helped me a lot was getting to discord where I’ve learned a lot from others mistakes and tips and tricks. So from from this awesome amazing community we have they are so helpful and and then I decided to start in stepping in March last year. 

And I’m still here walking daily and I was, I was looking over. to get some profits, especially from Minting last year. And also on my health side, I lost about 8kg just by walking daily. So yeah, it’s super cool. 

And you are doing so fantastic job guys, like actually you both. And I see, like both of you always online, I see clever mainly on Twitter, I’m mainly there, but you are always like supporting community, commenting, making reposts, do a lot of translations in Portuguese. 

So it’s like so huge. How guys do handle like your life balance? As it seems that you’re always both online, like how do you manage it? Like what part of your life is online and what you do offline as well? 

Can you share with us please? Thank you. I guess I’ll go first. So, like, there’s no balance. I’ll be straight. I’ll be honest. There’s no balance. It helps a lot that you really like what you’re doing. 

I swear it’s the only reason I can stay up 14 hours straight just answering questions and fighting, literal fighting with people in this court. But yeah, it takes a toll. Although I can probably stay seven days a week in this court, I do take leaves. 

And so I would still recommend to anyone to take leaves whenever necessary. But yeah, I manage. It helps if you, again, it helps if you like what you’re doing. And so, like, that’s the reason why I can stay online for that long. 

So, yeah. Actually, Gil, I have one more question, like, from your feedback. It’s not easy to handle immunity. And it’s really very nice when you have a positive feedback and some, like, inspirational comments and all this, like, stuff. 

But on the other hand, you mentioned a really good thing that you have to deal sometimes like fighting, sometimes explaining people, sometimes maybe reminding them some rules. So how do you manage? Does it influence your well -being? 

Or you just now have some immunity? You know, not to take it personally. I will be honest, guys. I take the feedback very personally still. I learn not to do it. But for me, it’s hard. And I do understand that the more you do, the more people will text you some bad things. 

And it’s okay. Yeah, it’s even maybe a good sign if you get not only only a positive feedback, but at the same time, some negative. But do you have some tips how to manage like this communication that is not so pleasant, let’s say like this? 

Guys, let’s see something else. I’m taking over everything, but I’ll answer that. So I would say there’s been a lot of difficult times handling the step -in server specifically. Because if you recall, we used to have like three very large discord servers. 

And it was not just a challenge of logistics, of just like being present in all three, but also people will be angry. If like whenever, I recall whenever the market dips, people would just go in with them. 

pitchforks in general. And it really does take a toll on you, the same with just like saying long hours. It’s a human thing. It’s probably important to remember, however, that when you take the position of, in my case, a community manager, there are things that you should realize you cannot do, you cannot do it anymore, as if you’re a regular member of the community, such as getting angry at people who are members of your community. 

I have, like for those of you who are constantly in the Discord server, you probably know there’s a very, very hard and fast rule in Discord where you cannot swear. You cannot swear. You cannot say any bad words. 

I will ban you, but I myself swear like a sailor. The difference is I know there are things I cannot do. And so I know that even though in real life, I swear a lot, I cannot do it in my own server because I have to lead by example. 

And only when you realize that there are things that are, there are luxuries no longer afforded to you. And this includes swearing, getting angry at people, being emotional about things, showing that you’re affected by any dip or giving into the hype if the price is spiked. 

You have to be the voice of reason no matter what the situation is. And so it’s like, I always, I overuse this example, but I always say, if you ever decide to lead any community, even if it’s outside of Discord, even in leadership positions in the workplace or at school in a guild with friends, whatever. 

Always remember this, if you’re a leader, it’s like you’re a lifesaver at sea. People will be panicking around you and you are probably the only one they can rely on. You cannot be panicking with them. 

You cannot be emotional with them. You cannot be angry or sad or hyped like them. You have to be the voice of reason and you have to recognize that there are things you cannot do because you’re in the leadership position. 

And that helps a lot because you stop at some point, you learn and you mellow down. And you learn to temper your temper. It’s kind of long -winded, but the TLDR is you should know your place as a leader. 

Like you cannot be whining and angry or furious as a leader. You will have to control yourself because nobody will control you. Yeah, that’s that’s the best advice I can give. It’s something you learn along the way. 

Nobody can learn it for you. So yeah, that’s that’s it. Yeah, Gil, thank you so much. It makes so so much sense in your words. And you know, I feel so huge experience behind all this work. So it’s really amazing job that you’re doing an amazing position like of a leadership that you are sharing with us and what quality is like should a leader have like to manage community is it’s not an easy stuff to do it and you do like both of you guys are doing it is amazing way. 

Sorry, it’s like always my dog is online as well with me. Yeah, Nathan, I see you have a question. At the first. Yes, it’s a fantastic support from you clever. Gil, it’s really this I all time feel energy. 

And it’s great. I all time tells that our community is the best of the best. And we are all on the world. And you know, this make relations between all countries. It’s so so huge. Look, and I, it’s, it’s, it’s amazing really. 

And you know, like you told Gil also I am from martial arts. And usually we are telling that I am from martial arts of Japanese Buddha, like samurai way. And you know, all time we’re telling that usually in our we have like food. 

Yes, it’s mean when are you sitting and around you all time fire, all time fire, but you balance. And it’s great. And you know, I feel you clever all time you are the balance. It’s great. And I have question, you know, it’s, we, there are a lot of projects with a lot of projects really and it’s really hard work. 

How do you manage your time management? What kind, maybe you can give some tips to us. How do you manage about time management? Thank you. Do I answer this? I’ll leave it to Clever. I’ll leave that to Clever. 

Okay, okay. No, just to mention about what you said about be passionate. I think this is the most important thing because if you’re not passionate about what you do, you can’t, it’s not possible to do it anymore. 

It’s really hard and you will not be able to deal with these people, complaints. And so I think this part is the hardest one, is like to correct like, some people to the right way, like full of rules. 

I know it’s tough, but the more you grow the community, the more these kinds of things will happen. So you need to be prepared to deal with it, to be really patient. And Gil is like a queen for this, because in her position I can imagine it’s really tough to deal. 

But about the time management, it’s hard also, because when it was only stepping, you could talk about stepping and strategies and what you are doing daily. So later we have more. So more is like a totally different project, totally different approach. 

So there is no strategy for more. You just need to show the people how to do the things. So it’s like more in a tutorial way, I would say. And gas zero is also totally different, because we can play. 

So we need to read the parts of the white paper and try to make some content that makes sense to people. How can you explain something that you can play? This is the hardest part, I think. And as Gil said, I’m also not good at time management. 

I’m like 24 hours. in my phone or in my computer to answer questions and I think especially for the ones who want to build a community, first thing you need to love the project. You are promoting, you have to be noticed, you know, and you need to show up to be everywhere the project is. 

So, if you want to represent this project, you need to answer the question, you need to study, you need to help others to create good content and it’s not easy at all, especially when we have like three amazing projects to talk about and but you know, day by day we We find something we like to do the most and something that works better for us. 

Some people like to create videos, some people like to record themselves. Some people like just to do tutorials and it’s okay. You need to just find the thing you like to do and just keep doing. Sorry, I think I took too long to answer. 

No, no, it’s okay. It’s really very interesting to hear your experience, your thoughts and feedbacks. And I totally agree that being passionate about what we all are doing, this is the key to feeling good, to success and to stand out. 

So when you, as for example, I have never run spaces. It’s not something new experience, but I just thought it’s like last month and I feel I really love it. And I’m still learning, so it’s not my professional area of expertise, but I love sharing stories of people, you’re uniting people from different feedback encounters and getting our community, like knowing each other better. 

For example, Clever, I didn’t know that you run your digital marketing company and it’s really amazing. I’m also an entrepreneur and I know what it’s like to how much effort you need to start up your own business, to develop, to grow it. 

So it’s amazing skills that you will definitely apply in any of your area. And you know, like every space, it’s something new about all of you guys and I’m really happy we are doing that. So thank you so much for sharing. 

And yeah, I see Alena has a question, so go ahead. Hi everyone. Can you hear me? Good. Hi. I have a question to… Gil and maybe to Kleber as well. You know, Gil, that I like another platform a little bit more than Discord, but I understand that Discord has a lot of very helpful tools. 

Could you tell us about the advantages you see on Discord platform in comparison to its competitors and why Discord is important in creating a Web3 community? Sure, is the competitor Telegram? Oh, no, no, okay, let me explain. 

I realize that with that question. But okay, okay, let’s be serious. So here’s the thing with Telegram, and this is coming from my experience both from using Telegram and Discord. So one of the things that I would love to be able to have in Telegram is probably stay in the same chat group. 

but have ongoing separate conversations. So the equivalent of channels, basically, that’s it. If Telegram had channels, it would be equally as useful as Discord for me in maintaining the community. The reason for this is, and bear with me here, so you know how when you’re chatting, right, it just goes up and it just keeps scrolling up and it just keeps doing that on and on and on. 

And if people spoke earlier in the day and you didn’t see it, you’re never gonna look at it. You will never find that chat. And so even if you have 200 ,000 people inside the one same group, there’s a large, there’s a very big likelihood they will never be talking to each other, not on a constant basis, because they will never find each other in that constantly scrolling chat. 

And so that’s the problem that I have with most platforms that look like this, Viber, WhatsApp, they’re all just one single group and there’s no way to create divisions inside that group. What essentially needs to be done is, and what we have done with Step -N, is you have to create several groups in Telegram and they’re all separate siloed groups, meaning they’re in Telegram, but they are separate and they may never see each other at all. 

And so the Russian group is separate from the English group which is separate from the Chinese group and it doesn’t feel like they’re a coherent or complete community. And it’s possible they don’t even know, like the people in the English group, it’s possible they don’t even know that a Russian group exists, right? 

And that’s a problem because if you’re trying to build a community, you want as many people to stay in one group as possible, but that’s not gonna happen if you don’t have… have channels. So that’s the one and only thing that I feel is the technical advantage of Discord over Telegram or any other platform that does not have channels. 

The others are just cherries on top, like Discord being able to assign roles, or Discord being able to filter which channels you can access based on your roles. All of that falls away when your only goal is to create a community. 

And so I would say if only there was a channel feature in Telegram, I would say it’s not that far that different from Discord. It’s the only thing. So I hope that answers the question. Sorry. So yeah, that’s it. 

Yeah, I think people usually find Telegram easier to use at the first place. But as you said, Discord has a lot of features, different features, so it’s easier to manage Discord, I guess. But it’s hard for people to learn to use Discord also in the first place. 

Personally, I was like lost in the same week. I tried to use Discord because there are so many different channels, but the more you use, the more the easier it gets. I just want to add about Telegram, they have the option of creating channels now inside of the Telegram. 

I don’t know if you are aware of that. Is it a premium thing or is it a free thing? No, okay. Then I need to explore that because I always assume that there are no channels and therefore I’ve never tried to look for channels. 

I’ll definitely explore that. Okay, thank you for that. Yeah, no problem. I think it’s like three months ago. It started. It’s pretty new. Okay. Yeah, it’s pretty new. I have a small group there and I recently changed and I think people like this way. 

I could separate more Stepin and Gas Hero and also a channel for links and giveaways. I think it’s easier now. Okay. I’ll try and look it up and see how it works. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Okay, guys, thank you so much for sharing. 

Elena, maybe you could share with us a little bit about Telegram as I know that in the Russian speaking community Telegram is the most popular platform. Yeah, it’s it’s really nice platform as clever already said, because it’s very easy to use. 

It’s very easy to understand from the first time you go in there. And yeah, and it’s a little bit more difficult for us to really to get used to discord because it really has a lot of different options opportunities different tools, which are really great. 

And I think that in that in that kind of thing, it has a lot of advantages discord has in comparison like to telegram it can give roles it can give different and based on your roles you can get access to different chats or to some I don’t know, other things like giveaways or something. 

I don’t know, just like with the help of different bots which are created. But at the same time, I think for Russian community, especially, it is not a place which we are used to, like our Russian community is not used to use Discord at all. 

And like for many like step -in users, for example, it is the first time they were introduced to Discord platform at the same time when Telegram was already known in Russia. That’s why I think more people from the community come to Telegram. 

And it also has, I think, the main advantage that it is easy to understand. Okay, thanks so much, Elena. Yeah, I’m also an active user of Telegram. I’m not so active in Discord, but I’m still learning. 

And for me, it wasn’t easy to get started to use to Discord as well. So I think maybe for web to people, it takes really like longer time. But when you adjust and when you are used to read, it’s really easy. 

It’s not so difficult. And now we have like so many chats in different languages with this roles and with older opportunities at Discord office. It sounds like really, really great platform. So okay, okay guys. 

Yeah, it’s really, yeah. And as to see it, can we also discuss that like Twitter is a great also great platform for, especially for web community, crypto Twitter is very popular, but at the same time, some countries like our country, Russia is also absolutely not used to use Twitter. 

It was banned for years. And kind of we can’t find any other platform which can be as helpful as Twitter, but at the same time, it’s not Russia friendly. kind of. Okay, Elena, so like what is your question? 

So you’d like to discuss like what what can be? What can we do about it? For Twitter? Yeah, what can we do about it? Especially, you see that, like one of the most, you know, complaints in my community, in Russian community is that, like FCL is always making different competitions and giveaways and Twitter. 

At the same time, we Russians just hate Twitter because it’s banned. We need to use VPN and also many of us don’t even have an account on Twitter. And I honestly, I created my account on this platform only to use it for step. 

And that’s all. I don’t need it for anything else. I can share my experiences. I was also not a fan of Twitter. I wasn’t there at all and didn’t have an account that I joined Twitter just for a fair sale of activities. 

And I started using Twitter only in June. So it was like three months ago with 20 people followers and I thought I am joining too late and I don’t have any chances. It’s something not like a platform that I used to use as before. 

I was really active on Instagram. I love sharing my stories, pictures, like thoughts. And I saw that Twitter doesn’t allow these possibilities and it’s totally like for more official posting like challenges, giveaways, ruffles, news. 

But what I see in my profile, I launch both. So I managed to do both and I quickly got my community on Twitter and it’s growing every day. And now Twitter replace Instagram, Facebook and all the other social media that I have. 

I found this balance in posting some personal things that I really love to do. Even sometimes I do post with those type of coffee I drink, where I go, I do a lot of traveling. And at the same time I do a lot of posts regarding like FSL, like all the stuff. 

And I find so many friends on Twitter. So now our community is so global. So Twitter brought me so many great people that now I even tried to promote it and to say let’s try it on guys. Yeah, I know in Russia it’s difficult now with VPN and all this stuff. 

But it’s a habit when you see the benefits and for me the benefits of using Twitter is like our community and I can see our community as Discord and Telegram is great. But I see that like more and more people started sharing some more of the pictures of their walks, for example, or their travels or their achievements or like many many things that are happening and that’s what makes me feel more connected with them and that inspires me to use Twitter a lot like I’m on Twitter every I would say 24 hours yeah but guys if you have anything to add let’s let’s share your perspective so what do you think about Twitter and how to engage community on Twitter if they not to use or maybe you know some alternatives like as I don’t to be honest I don’t see I know that this thread was trying to be an alternative but to be honest I don’t see it so so much like popular now or high mine yeah so Nafe I see you yes I would like to add then when we visited Japan with Anastasia in Webex and also we met our steppin japanese community And I was surprised, you know, that usually in Japan, they using client and some other platform. 

But when I start talk with them, and we talk about Twitter, yeah, of course we don’t need VPNs there, yes, but still, you know, it’s also some platform for new users and you must learn, understand how to use, but, but you know what even they do, they tell, look, like Twitter, for example, space, that some Japanese community stepners, they walking every day, and what they do, they just make Twitter space and they share this information, all information about stepners, about now like gas hero project, and it’s great because it’s one of the platform which give opportunity to talk, and it’s really great. 

And now even Discord, about Discord before, you know, I manage company, yes, and it’s cosmetic company, but you know, even in the cosmetic company, we use Discord, why? Because I hate engineer, all time push me, oh, look, you know, the Discord, it’s so likes, agonized, and you can do like that, like that, like that, and before I am a boy, but as I can see, there are really a lot of likes, activity, FCL in the Discord, and I love it. 

I just start to do, in Budo, we tell, in the Budo, all time, you need just make first step, that’s it, after that, VPN, no VPN, no meaning, if you like it, if you have passion about it, you can find some nice, something that you can accept it, and it’s great, you know, I love both now, and before I am using Instagram a lot, and I share my some live, I travel a lot. 

Yes, I travel a lot. And I share this. But I feel that I start to be more close with community, with Twitter, in now, Discord. But also, Yelena, I know that you have a huge group in the telegram. Before, I’m a Void Telegram. 

But now I start. You know, I love your space. You all time make space. Thank you very much for inviting. And you know, even in this platform, I can find some patience with you. It means that it’s about people. 

If you’re patient, you can use it. And it makes some opportunity for everyone, for everyone. And it’s great that FCL, it’s share all information on all platforms. Yes. And even now, Zili. Zili for me, it’s also a platform. 

You know, I’m… so passionate about Zilli, it’s really great. Thank you very much. Yes, thanks, Naif. Gil Kleber, do you have anything to add, guys? Yeah, just about my experience with Twitter, I had an account like in 2016, I think, but never used it. 

So I think it’s the same I’m using now. So actually, I started using Twitter just because of the giveaways, to be honest, to participate in the giveaways, Steppen was doing. But beside that, every platform has something specific for what you want to do. 

So for example, Instagram is more for the pictures, to show something, videos and stories, etc. But Twitter, I think it works really, really great for crypto, for the web to grow web -tree communities, because we have a lot of crypto projects in in Twitter, in X actually, X. 

So one thing I like to do the most in Twitter is to run events for Steppen and more and Gaz Hero now, because I like the way people interact and participate in the event. So and also I made so many friends running these spaces and I had basically zero followers when I started last last year. 

And now more than just hit 2000. So it’s just amazing the the way people participate in the events. And I really enjoy reading all the comments and I try my best to reply to everyone. And I appreciate you guys so much for participating. 

Also, talking about that, I want to ask you, you guys, those who are listening to post a screenshot of a badge you got from any of my events. Since February, I think, I started with one step in event per month and sometimes one step in and one more. 

So I always have a step in Europe, Becca, to create these badges. So if you have any badge, just a screenshot and post here in the comments. I will give away 50 GMT for one lucky winner. So just post a. 

the bad screenshot, like and retweet the space. Wow, that’s a great proposal. Thank you so much. Yeah, I forgot to talk about this in the beginning, but it’s still time. That’s okay, that’s okay. We have time, yeah, and I totally go along with what you’re saying. 

It’s like, when you see the value of the platform, you will find the opportunities, I think, to use it, even with all the difficulties that we sometimes experience, but it’s like any habit it needs time. 

So it needs like maybe one, two months to get adjusted and to get used to that, I think, like this. So, Alina, we do hope from some, in some time we will see more Russian speakers in Twitter as well, but I see that people slowly, but they are joining, yeah. 

And even here I see like Don Patron, Dr. Aksyanov, they’re always here, they are always like supporting all the spaces, like comments. So I do hope that we will see more people in some times. And by the way, guys, I have also like a more generic question, but like as we are talking about communities today, how do you think, are there any differences between managing web three communities from web two communities? 

Like, could you share your thoughts with us, please? . Okay, I’ll go first. So I’ll answer this based on my experience as a Discord member of both Web3 communities and non -crypto or non -Web3 communities like games or friends. 

And so the most distinct, the difference is that, and this is what makes Web3 a little more challenging. is that for non -web3, non -crypto, Discord communities, most of the time, their focus would be just one thing. 

And that would be whatever thing is common among all of you in that Discord server. So say for example, you’re all playing the same game. And that’s the reason why you’re all gravitating towards that Discord community. 

You just want to have other people who also play the same game surround you. You just want to be with other people who have a shared interest in the things that you also like. And this is infinitely simple compared to a web3 community because when you’re in a server like StepEd or more or a gas hero, you’re not just there for talking. 

with other people who also have one interest, one shared interest. So, seven people in the seven community, more in the more server, gas hero in the gas hero server. Aside from their shared interest in these projects, they are also driven by the belief that the confidence that this is a thing that I want to invest in. 

So, that’s an important aspect that nobody could ignore. When you’re in a Web3 community, you’re not just there because you’re, you know, shooting the wind or talking about the weather while you’re waiting for your game to load or while you’re walking and using your app. 

You, like this is common in the other Web3 communities that I’ve also joined. People don’t look at themselves as just members of that community. They see themselves as investors. And so, you have a community of investors. 

And this is something that you should always take into account, whether you’re talking to them or you’re launching your activities or creating announcements. Everything that you do in a Web3 community always has to take note of those two things. 

One, the shared interest in your community and two, that these are people who believe that they have, that believed in your project and that they have a shared vested interest in the project. So, that’s the biggest difference for me in my observation between a crypto and a non -crypto community. 

For a game or an arts or a sports or a writing discord community, there’s only just one thing. They just want to get together and talk about whatever they’re interested in. That’s it. But with a Web3 community, it always comes with the expectation of, with the expectation of a project progressing, developing and essentially prospering together with that community. 

So that’s what I think. Yeah, Gil, thanks so much for sharing. I was so involved in your talk that even forgot to start talking when you finish. It’s really very foundational, inspirational and with the right approach, I would say, like this. 

And as we are talking, as you mentioned about like what is the aim, the importance of the aim of the community, like what is, what unites the community. So how do you think, what is the next, I would say, aim for FSL community? 

Do you see like the perspective how it is growing? What’s aim? Does it follow? Or anything you’re ready to share with us as we are really eager to do maybe something more? Okay, I cannot share alpha. 

That’s a given. I’m sorry, guys. If you’re waiting for that. No, no, no, it’s okay. I mean, just what they are only the information you’re ready to share. Yes, there’s no problem. Okay, so let me preface this by saying that even when we started with just with just step it. 

Okay. I would, I would call I distinctly recall this conversation with with you on and Jerry, and I was like, I think the discussion was about the roadmap for for step in. And like, I was asking you on so so what’s your roadmap for this coming quarter or something to that effect. 

And young was like, um, well, the problem is my roadmap is like 10 years. And I was like, I was thinking he was kidding. And so I made like I had, I didn’t think too much about it. And here we are two years after that. 

And we are actually, we have eight years to go and I understand that people have natural inclination to be cynical. Like, there’s no reason for me to believe you because like there’s no proof. But if for what it’s worth, I can say as someone who is working with the team, I am part of the team. 

And I can see things that are sometimes not, you know, free for us to share with everyone because there are, we have to secure the future of the project and that will benefit everyone who is in the project after all. 

But if for what it’s worth, I can assure you guys there’s a very, very long road ahead of us. The expansion that we are doing right now, remember that we just started with Steped and we went on to create Door. 

We have our own decentralized exchange. People usually forget that and that’s usually a big deal. Just having your decentralized exchange is a big deal. We went on to create our own NFT marketplace and now we’re in the process of creating our own game, Gas Hero. 

There will be several others after that. There will be several other projects. The goal is to have several services available to everyone in crypto. The idea is we have to expand and not just work on a single project. 

If there’s only one takeaway, that you can take from me as someone who really believes in the project. I’m here because I believe in it. The only thing I can tell you guys is the GMT that you have is going to be the foundation for everything. 

It doesn’t matter what its current price is. Well, that’s it. That’s if you believe the project. But the idea is the GMT will be central to everything that we do. And although there’s a long and very deep rabbit hole where people would usually respond to me and say, but what about GST? 

What about more? So this is the thing. GST was ever was really just supposed to be in step N. But GMT is the central thing to everything that we’re doing. And the idea is if GMT goes up, GST goes up. 

That’s the mechanic of things. And it’s not here now because the road map is not yet complete. And we haven’t progressed as much as we would like to yet. But as long as you have that GMT, you can see, you can use it however you see fit. 

But I can tell you that we are building value for the GMT that you’re holding. And that’s the long game goal. We’re playing the long game. What we want to do is add value to GMT. And once the world recognizes the value of GMT, if you guys don’t realize GMT is the highest range, the 100 usually around the 150th to 170th. 

It’s around those range usually. Highest, though with the highest market cap in coin deco it is. That indicates that we haven’t even finished our 10 -year roadmap and we’re already at the 150th place. 

And it’s something that, for me, assures me that we’re doing the right thing. Imagine that it’s a bear market and you’re still able to keep that place. You may slip at 160th or 170th, but the fact that you’re in the top of the, even if you say it’s the top 200, that’s already an achievement. 

A lot of other projects would be envious of. And we’ve just started this two years. We’ve just started. And there’s a long way to go. And whether you take that road with us or not is dependent on you. 

And yeah, that’s it. Thank you, everyone. Yeah, I’m going to stop right there. Thank you. Thank you. Go ahead. Jill, thank you very much. It’s really very motivate me and I think it motivates us our community. 

And I think that even new users, yes, when they to see like that we have so strong community, it’s all time, even some weeks that we’re strong, it can go ahead all time. Anyway, I have one also question about Gas Hero. 

Now it’s so huge activity on that and there are really nice like some quiz, like like it’s not like it’s even like Genesis creator and everything you know. It’s involved a lot of and a lot of people who for example me I never touch like design but I start to interesting about that and I am so like you know now I’m so passionate about it. 

And about Gas Hero that could you maybe tell to you to your vision like I have question you will are you play with Gas Hero as we know that it starts like the end of this year everybody wait but how about you because you know that you have I think you have very a lot of time for FCL work but it’s games yes and all time games need time. 

You know you and me if I start to play game sometimes I can play 24 hours. How about you, you will play? Thank you. If you’re asking if I have played Gas Hero yes I have. Yes I have. For if you you’re asking. 

Okay, like, let’s be, let’s be clear. Anything that you guys ask about gas hero, I probably would not be able to answer it, much as I would like to. It would be very easy for me to hype it. But I would also probably put my job at risk. 

So I wouldn’t. All I can say is just look forward to it. Yeah, I think that’s the safest answer. Yeah, yeah, it’s it’s it’s exactly enough. Because if you have passion for this, it’s great. It’s enough for community. 

I think it’s very important. And really, we are waiting as hero. And I think now it’s make some new breeze for even stepners community. And it’s great. And thank you very much really for this work, because it’s involved, it’s patient. 

And, you know, it’s it’s It’s all nice. Yeah, thank you very much. Yeah, I just wanted to add like gill. Yeah Thank you so much for sharing your vision about like GMT ecosystem and all the stuff. It’s really important to To remind sometimes like community what is happening around and what it’s Planned we do understand that you can’t tell a lot, but it’s more than enough that you shared with us It’s really thank you so so much for that for being open and I have one more question to Clever is like what are your goals? 

I think you you can be more open with us regarding like community Developing and say knows that you guys are planning an event in Sao Paulo on October 15th. So guys if you have Ever thought about visiting Latin America, Brazil, it’s good chance to do it in a couple of weeks So could you share with us clever? 

So what are your personal and community goals with the Brazilian community? And if you I know that you do a lot of stuff like for the global community as well So any your source and perspectives for the future? 

Yeah, yeah, sure so about the our event we have our very first Brazilian meetup in Sao Paulo on October 15th. So we’re really really happy with with that and I I just want to Take this moment to to thanks Gilgamesh also because I know BL is a moderator and and he was asking her to To help us with the event. 

So we will finally Have the the event happening and we are very excited. I think this is one of the the My my biggest personal goals for the community Brazilian community because It will be so much fun to be able to to talk and see the people. 

We’ve been talking like more than a year daily. We have not only X, we have Telegram groups, we have Discord groups. So it was so much fun. We have some things planned, like playing some games and run together and we’ll have some cool drone images also. 

So giveaways and some challenges. We were so much fun. And about my goals as an ambassador, I think when I started in August last year, I was not imagining I could grow like for a community ambassador. 

Actually, I didn’t have these ambitious at that time, but when you start creating content and see people engage in events, So one thing leads to another. So I like to do and the more I do, the more I like. 

So I’m here to go and to grow and help the people answering DMs. I think I never missed one single sometimes in the middle of the night because I have a four months son and he you know, babies they wake up at the time in the middle of the night and then I’m answering the DMs and helping the way I can until he sleeps again. 

So that’s why I said them like 24 hours on my phone and I will just love it and just love it. It’s so much fun. Wow, you’re doing really amazing, amazing job and I’m really happy guys. You’re launching your first event in Sao Paulo in a couple of weeks. 

As for me, I really believe that offline events is really the best tool where you can meet people offline, talk to them, you know, save some moments. So it’s really amazing too. And I’m pretty sure it will be a really great experience and I do hope they will be regular. 

Yeah, I see Naif to have a question. Yeah, Claibor, thank you very much for sharing information. And you know, I have also three daughter and I understand you and definitely understand you. Yes, but it’s also a passion for us. 

And Anastasia, I hope that you can go to Sao Paulo, you know, in Brazil. It’s my dream. I want to go, but at this time I must fly to Japan. But I hope Anastasia, you can do. And I have this in my mind Yeah, yeah, and you know that I am also agree with you that it’s very important online. 

It’s online, yes, but it’s also very important offline. For example, I’m also have my background IT engineering. And all time, you know, I’m talking with my friends by online and I have one friend, I talk with him online like four years and I never see him just like avatar. 

And you know, but then after four years, just we chat each other and tell, OK, maybe let’s meet in offline. And when we met, you know, even now we are friends and our friendship is so strong and really it’s great. 

And, you make really nice like this offline, even it’s really nice. opportunity, not only opportunity for likes, not only community, it’s to make our family likes most strong. Thank you very much. Anastasia, you should go. 

Yeah, I do hope I can make it, but let’s see. Yeah, yeah, yeah, guys. Yeah, I have never been to Brazil, so you know, like, I’m very easygoing person and I love traveling. So who knows, let’s see. Maybe. 

Yeah, you know, you know, you know, I know Anastasia, look, you know, that all time I’m climb bar. I also climbed to mountain and last time I climbed to Ohas del Salada, you know, it’s in the Chile, Arquitin, Chile board. 

And I all time it’s around 7000 meters. And you know, one time I talked to Anastasia, let’s climb to one mountain. Can you tell how I can do that? But we did it and we fly to Turkey and we climbed to Ararat. 

Did you remember Anastasia? And it’s great. And I love this patient people, you know, because it’s our FCL community to like this patient people. It’s really make more strong. It’s great. We have so energy. 

And I wish to you to make I’m pretty sure it will be good. Excellent. Like event and the pleasure a lot of photo for us video. And I’m thinking, yes, if you have time, maybe we can make some telemots to this Japanese community, because I have also some time to meet with some Japanese stepners community. 

It’s great. It’s still now we are friends. And it’s great. Okay, thank you very much. Yeah, sure. Thanks, Dave. I think this is, I think, no, I hope this is only, we’ll only be the first because we need to keep this more frequent because the thing in Brazil is too huge. 

So it’s hard to make the people go to one place because we have some good amount of stepping players but they live too far away from each other. So we run some polls to see where most of the people live and where they could go. 

So we found the Sao Paulo for the first event and maybe the next one will be in Rio de Janeiro. So I think this is just the beginning. These offline events are so much cooler than the online because you know it’s… 

I don’t know, I’m just a people person, I just love to meet with people and I wish I could travel more. Also, Anastasia, you are really welcome to come. Let’s talk about that. Thank you so much, Kliber. 

Thank you. Let’s sing as we are lack of time now. But who knows, you know, maybe everything is possible. Guys, we are finishing like with the time, five, ten minutes more. I have just one question from myself and we have a couple of questions from community in the comments. 

So my question is that I know that here are many people who listen us. They really want to grow in their social media, like someone on Twitter, someone like in telegrams. Like, and you know, I just want to ask from from your feedback and experience, what can you recommend to people, especially for those who have just not too many followers, and how to start up, how to grow, how to build this connection to your, like to people who follow you, are there any tips from you that you can share with the guys and to help them to make bigger communities, stronger community and like inspirational one. 

Yeah, thanks. Yeah, so for in my case, I think the thing which works better on Twitter especially is events and giveaways. So we have actually, actually, when we have a prize, especially, it makes people participate and for the beginning, they enter just for the prize. 

But then if you have good content, they keep following you, they will keep sharing stuff. So It’s like the price is important to make, to just to push them, let’s say, to enter for an event. But if they enjoy your content, they will follow. 

And I think this is a good way, yeah, with giveaways and events and spaces also is nice. I have, this actually is my first English space, but I had 66 Portuguese space since last October. So yes, I’m counting. 

I like numbers. So it’s a really great way to keep the community together and to have fun. So I think for my side is, if it helps. Can I please answer as well? Sure, sure. I think that the key formula is, to understand what can you offer. 

It is the most important thing. Like at first you understand who can be your community, what are those people and then you think what these people would like to get from me. It’s not necessarily about giveaways or presents, but maybe that is some kind of support, some kind of information. 

People are seeking different things on internet and if you understand what value you can give, then you can grow a great community. Thanks Elena, thanks for the really nice tips. Yeah, so guys, take into account and Giel, do you have anything like from your perspective? 

So you guys probably know that I don’t tweet a lot. I only tweet important stuff like maintenance times and announcements. But I will give what I feel would work as someone who follows other people. I will tell you what grabs my attention and what makes me more likely to follow you. 

Probably I would like because I notice most of the people who are in the step -in community, when they post something in Twitter, it’s a retweet. It’s a retweet of something that’s already announced by the official step -in account or the official more account or the official gas hero account. 

And that’s well and good. Like there’s nothing wrong with it, but you cannot make it just your content. Like what you cannot be just a retweet account. I would probably follow you if you post something funny. 

I remember this Japanese Twitter account that I did not even know. They’re a part of the Steppen community, right? And I think I followed him because he posted a very funny video where they were in the Japanese meetup, and they were asking him to open a shoebox, and he was just chanting, like, it’s going to be uncommon, and common, and common, and common, and when he opened it, he was like, he couldn’t believe it. 

And people were suspecting that he was related to someone in FSL or something like that. Anyway, it’s a lot funnier if you saw the video. I suck at telling these stories. The point is, I followed him because he was funny. 

He presented something that I don’t usually see. If I, like, we all follow the same official Steppen account, we all follow the same more account. If there’s an announcement, I would see it there, right? 

And even if you retweet it, it probably will not rouse my interest. Have a mix of three tweets. If you want to really, if you have a number of followers who really rely on you for news, then go right ahead and retweet what you feel needs to be dispersed in your community. 

But at the same time, let your followers know who you are as a person. I remember even back then when I was a lot more active in my Twitter account, I would post funny, like or what I consider funny statements. 

I would retweet articles where I saw, oh, Coybureau mentioned Steppen and we weren’t big back then. And I would make my own threads of my thoughts about the beginning of the bear market or the price crash when GSD started crashing. 

These are things that people will just gravitate to you because they don’t see it elsewhere, all for something that they will not find elsewhere. That’s probably the thing. And also, perhaps try and decide on your personal brand. 

I’m not talking about like, oh, do I have to create a business and create a media company using my Twitter account? No, what I’m saying is you as a person, you should create your, maybe not brand, maybe it’s easier to say, create your online personality. 

Like there has to be something in you that would make me follow you because you’re interesting, you seem to be genuine, you seem to be a person. Like if I will not follow an account, that’s just retweeting everything else. 

And this is a pitfall I’ve noticed with a lot of the Twitter accounts that my… feed is suggesting to me. These are people who are not just going to tweet about seven or more. They will also tweet about other third party projects. 

They’ll tweet all the airdrops they can find, which is fine. But I feel that that niche in Twitter is already saturated. And I would rather look for web three people who not only share important information. 

They also share unique information. And I can tell how genuine they are based on their posts. So that’s what I think would be good. I feel it’s already a flaw. If you make it your goal, I have to have 100 ,000 followers. 

Or I have to have 50 ,000 followers. Because then you’re going for the game. It’s a game of numbers. When like that stops you from being genuine because you will not talk about the things you really want to talk about because you have to change your behavior in, in, in the hope of getting more followers. 

Like even if you genuinely like talking about anime, you will not talk about it because that’s not what you feel your audience would like. And that stops you from being genuine and maybe even interesting. 

So I, I, I, from the top of my head, the people who really stick out to me who are in step in or more are people who share about their daily lives. Oh, I ran today with my wife and we got bit by a scorpion. 

Like, Holy sh, think about that you got bit by a scorpion in your casual walk. That’s interesting. Or like, Oh, I baked the cake today or like I got, I got this nifty thing from the shop like be like provide interesting tidbits in between your retweeting. 

Make your Twitter account. You is, is, is how I put it. If you don’t like that, like you really want to be private and you just want to be a Web three personality that is separated from your personal life that’s still fine. 

What I would have done if I became a Twitter person is created an entire personality out of Gilgamesh. I would just live it up as the, the king who’s a bastard and is always talking down on people but at the same time making sure that I’m providing help, because that’s what Gilgamesh does if you’re familiar with the anime. 

He, he is all he is quite arrogant, but he is very wise and he will help out if he feels you’re worthy of his time. And this is what I would probably do. I would basically role play Gilgamesh and I feel that would be funny and interesting. 

And it would not be like your run of the mill retweet Twitter account. Nice idea for my next Twitter post. I will fake a scorpion bite on my step and run. That’s not what I said. What I said was like just be genuine. 

Be genuine. It’s not like you just have to just… Yeah. But you know what I mean, right? I… like people are so afraid about sharing their lives, which is like… It’s understandable. Online is a very unsafe place. 

But being genuine doesn’t mean you have to reveal your personal information. You don’t have to reveal your address or phone number or email address. You have to be conscious as well. But at the same time, you can share bits of you without giving away all of you. 

If you know what I mean. So… Yeah, that’s all I have to say. Yeah, it makes total sense. Thanks for sharing, Gil. Yeah, Gil, thanks so much. It’s such a detailed feedback and even plan to action. So guys, I just want to summarize maybe the experience of all of our speakers regarding the development of your Twitter’s accounts or any social media, actually. 

So try to be authentic. So try to be yourself and to post something that it relates specifically to your personality. Try to be active. So it means comments, different posts, support people as well, reply people in your DM. 

It’s really important as well. Yeah, and don’t be afraid to experiment. And as for someone, I know challenges really works well and giveaways and all this stuff. Some people don’t like it and it’s totally fine. 

So try to experiment, try different ways of communication or communication with the audience, I mean. And try Twitter spaces as well. It’s a good chance to get new people. And so they’re active. I think that’s one of the most secret is to be active and to be yourself. 

So and let’s see. You know, maybe it will, it could grow really fast, or really as you never know what will happen tomorrow. Yeah, and guys, I have like a couple of questions from community, let me ask them. 

And I think we are already out of time. So the first question is, just a second, I may copy, yeah, is from Clems. So quick questions for the ambassador and speakers, how to approach media or YouTubers who have many, many more followers than us. 

Big thanks. So, do you have any ideas, recommendations? So, maybe I can start as I think that Naif and Gil, they are reconnecting. So, from my perspective, if you really want to reach someone who is already popular, like big bloggers, celebrities, it’s always tough, it’s difficult. 

But what would I do? I had to deal with such people in the past. So, always try to find something specific related to this person. So, don’t be like, hi, my name is Anastasia, I want this from you. No, just examine the profile, examine some details. 

Try to be specific and try to, if you have a chance to meet this person, for example, if I need to… to meet some celebrity, I will definitely find out what stuff he does and maybe what places he visits, like what gym he goes to. 

If you have a chance, yeah, it’s not always the case, but if you are talking only about digital approach, so I will say like try to find some common digital events where you can go as well and try to explore the details about these persons and to be very specific, like why you’re reaching and what you really want from him or her. 

Yeah, that’s my perspective and Gil Klebernaev, Liana if you have fail, like anything from your side to it. Yeah, actually in my personal, my personal thing with this is like, I never tried this actually and I’m here if anyone else has some good tips, but I like this idea, Anastasia, I think it’s important you study, not study, but just learn about the people you want to approach and sometimes they have like the best way to contact them sometimes by email or DM. 

So, but it’s definitely a hard thing to do especially when you have a small con is to find a bigger one and try something. So I think if you want to start growing, you need to find some accounts who are like yours you know, number of followers. 

followers or engaging or something. So then you can grow a little bit more and maybe go to the next, the big ones. Sorry, I can’t help much with this question because I’m not experiencing this. That’s okay, that’s okay. 

Thank you so much, Kliwa. I just want to share with you guys one of my personal experience. I tried to be really short, but it’s like the way how I think when I need to reach someone who is like of the high position or some top management like from the world non -company, so something like that. 

So two years ago, we had to conclude a big agreement with the chains of supermarkets in Russia and I needed to contact the CEO and it’s almost impossible to contact him like in digital world. So what did I do? 

I found out that conference where he was a speaker and I bought the tickets for the first row and I waited when he finishes and I just approached him like one by one when he were like walking from the scene to the to the guest space here and we had a chance to talk, we made the agreements. 

So always try to think out of the box if you need to do something not regular it’s not the regular way how to approach it’s not just sending the DM so it shouldn’t be something special. Yeah so I just wanted to to share this experience like an example what can you do. 

Yeah, I see you have something to add. I will add some funny story. Did you remember in Astasia last month in the Florida in my yummy we visited an event with Bored Ape and it was fun. You know about celebrity yes great maybe you want to find but you know what it was. 

We visited Bored Ape and those time Anastasia just looked and she found some man and she she told her he is very she is very good I won’t talk with him and just not afraid just come and talk and when she’s talking with him she talks a lot and as I can see she talks and she talks she talks but you know what’s what’s happened after talk she comes to us and tells oh it’s so amazing person and we tell to her Anastasia do you know who is he and you know it was CEO of Bored Ape it was Daniel and you know it’s funny and what it means that you just should be you you should just should be you. 

You know, after that Anastasia of course she was what and she going to come to them but it’s already key and some sort of resistance she stayed and she come to here. See all of water tape, can I make photo with you? 

And when she make photo with him you know and maybe it’s life hack and you photo capacity on my iPhone and he thought okay Anastasia in this case let I make photo for my phone and he make photo and then Anastasia ask okay how you share to me and he tell her just give me your phone and she give mobile phone and he just send message to here like that. 

You know just be you just be you and be patient person. You can do anything what you can do. Because all people, I think, even, okay, he’s celebrity, but you know, even celebrity, he starts from zero. 

A lot of celebrities from really, they grow up step by step, step by step. And any people on our board, on our earth, we have any chance, what you want. Just feel what you want. I love to flow, like flow. 

Thank you. Thanks so much, Nae, for sharing this story. Sometimes life, guys, makes surprises for you, and you can talk just, and think that this is just a regular person, but it could be not. So sometimes life is really something unexpected. 

Yeah, and I have just the last question is we are totally out of time today, but it’s so nice conversation and like talk. So we have one more question from Don Patron who asks us about steps. So what steps, guys, do you do on a regular basis that makes you feel happier and more successful? 

I think this is the question to Gil and to Kleber. I’ll go first. My answer is going to be short, don’t worry. He hears something that I learned on the very long, hard way, okay. You don’t find happiness, you decide to be happy. 

This is going to take a long time to really understand, and I cannot understand it for you. You got to decide that whatever the situation is, you will be happy about it. Not happy like jolly, because that’s what most people think, right? 

that you got to be like, you know, absolutely like smiling absolutely wherever you go. No. I think the appropriate word is contentment because when you’re content you’re happy and so when you decide that what you have is enough then you’ll be happy because what most people think is I’ll be happy if I have this or if I have that. 

Whereas you can just say, you know what what I have right now is more than what most people can have and I am happy with what I have. This is the mindset that I learned even before I got into crypto just in case you guys are thinking oh that’s because you’re already at seven. 

No. This is even before I got into crypto. This is after I lost all my money in Axie Infinity if it bothers you guys. And I was like, that’s fine. I can still earn all the money that I lost because I still have an able body. 

I have a good set of skills. I have several years of experience in customer support. I will always find a good paying job because I have the background for it. So rather than mope that I lost all my savings, I was, I just decided to be happy. 

This is a decision. Keep this in mind, you will realize it someday. But you don’t find happiness. You decide to be happy. Yeah, that’s it. Well, that’s a lesson for life. Thanks, Gil, for sharing. I just want to quickly add that we talked about that at the beginning. 

You, when you are passionate about what to do, you just overcome everything bad that happens because things bad happen. Bad things happen. I mean, so we, if this what you said is just the, I cannot add much on this because it’s the, it’s the truth. 

If you choose to be happy and you, you, you can overcome everything. You just need to have a good mindset and not create like, to create like too high expectation about things, just let it, let it happen and, and, and just, just accept whatever it comes, I think. 

Yeah, Guy, thank you so much. Like for sharing your thoughts and vision and like experience, you know, today. We are out totally of the time, but it was so energetic and so live space with much more than only about web3 and communities. 

Every time when I’m thinking about the topic of the event, when I thought about GIL, I really wanted to invite you guys both, like Bill and Clever as you both building communities and you supported and developing and growing communities. 

It was really interesting to hear different perspectives and feedback from you both, but it’s much more than talking about communities, it’s about life. That’s why I love the spaces and I’m really thankful to you guys that you accepted the invitation, that you came. 

Thank you so much for watching. being so open and so, and for sharing so much your feedback and thoughts. Clever, really admire your work, what you do for community. And I wish maybe, maybe like I can come. 

I don’t know yet, but I have this, this in my mind, this idea in my mind. Yeah. But anyway, I wish you like a great event as a flying event. It’s one of the best tools from a feeling community closer. 

Yeah, Elena, thanks so much for joining like and for sharing. You’re doing also a great job with Russian community and with all your spaces. Offline meetups. I know guys, you do offline meetups in Moscow. 

It’s it’s super cool. Yeah, NAIF as always. Thanks so much. Yeah, I just want to add like one thing that don’t forget guys, if you have a badge from Clever posted in the comment and he will make a giveaway of 50 GMTs. 

This is for our guests for today. Yeah. So thanks so much for being here. I would love to make in sometimes one more space guys with Gail, Clever, Elena, like I think talking about developing communities, supporting communities is one of the important keys in our ecosystem. 

So let’s make maybe in one month, one more space. Yeah. And I love it really. I totally love it. And it was really great time. Thanks so much for Joe, for joining us, like all the people who are listening to us. 

Yeah. So big thanks to everybody. Thank you, Anastasia, for inviting and for hosting. You are doing so great as a host. And I know you mentioned before you, you never run Twitter spaces. And so you’re just great. 

So well done. Thank you. And yeah, this was an awesome space. Thank you. Thank you very much. And I won’t tell. I love you. Really. It’s a great space. And Anastasia, thank you very much. It’s really great. 

And I love our community. Thanks. Thank you so much, guys. And see you soon. Yeah, see you soon. Okay, take care. Have a lovely, I don’t know, evening. Yeah, as I have just midday. Yeah, so have a great day, evening, whenever you are. 

Yeah. And see you soon. Yeah. Thank you. Cheers. Thank you, everyone. Goodbye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Adios. Bye, Brazil. 


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